An Introduction

consignment3In September 2010, bored with Vodka and with little chance of finding any half decent cider in mainland Spain I spent 5 euro’s on a bottle of Bardinet Negrita Rhum.

I had discovered the obligatory Bacardi Superior some years earlier, often receiving a bottle at Christmas. However, I was extremely naïve in what rum actually was. To me it was either Bacardi or Lambs Navy Rum. The Bardinet Negrita Rhum was neither and so the journey began……

I don’t currently have a bottle of Bardinet rhum/rum/ron (my first source of confusion, for my purposes being neither French nor Spanish it will be RUM) so I cannot review it. I do know though that over the next week of the holiday three or possibly four bottles of this rum were consumed.

Over the past 3 and a bit years I have tried and tested over 100 different rum’s of varying quality and style. Supermarket to style bar, Naval to Nauseating, Agricole to Avant Garde.

You might not always agree with my verdicts but that’s part of the fun. Rum is so varied that I believe there is a rum for almost everyone.

fatrumpirate 27/02/14

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